Frequently Asked Questions
What time does Project SUCCEED begin & end?
Morning program begins at 7:30am and ends at 8:45am.
Afterschool Program begins at 3:15 PM and ends promptly at 5:15 PM.
How do I sign my child up?
To sign up for Project SUCCEED you must fill out a Project SUCCEED Registration Form. These forms are always available in the school office or under the Program Information page on our website. Each school has their own method of signing kids up for specific days and enrichments.
Is there a Registration Fee?
No. We do not charge a registration fee.
How much does it cost?
How do I pay for my child?
An invoice will be sent from the Project SUCCEED main office. You will be billed for each morning and afternoon that your child was signed up for Program. Bills are mailed by the 10th of the following month. You can return your payment with a check or money order to PO Box 388, Conway, NH 03818. Starting in Fall 2021, you may also pay electronically.