Financial Information
Project SUCCEED programs are payable on a sliding scale fee based on the Free and Reduced Hot Lunch guidelines as followed by the Conway School District.
To be eligible for Free and Reduced rates you must complete the paperwork for the school. Your child(ren) does not need to be actively enrolled in the Free/Reduced Lunch program at school to take advantage of this resource. Scholarships are also available and are awarded on a school year—to school year basis.
Full Pay Lunch Reduced Pay Lunch Free Lunch
Morning $4.00 $2.00 $1.00
Program $6.00 $3.00 $1.50
PLEASE NOTE: There is NO registration fee.
Project SUCCEED is pleased to announce that due to 21st Century Community Learning Center funding, we are able to offer scholarships to at all of our programs. No student will ever be turned away for inability to pay. We understand that unforeseen circumstances and increasing family expenses can sometimes hinder a family’s budget. From time to time families are in need of a helping hand. Please print off and fill out the Project SUCCEED Scholarship & Assistance Application Form. Full, Partial and Temporary Scholarships are available. Please take a moment to read over and fill out the application form and know that all financial information is and will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. These scholarships will be awarded on a year to year basis. An application must be filled out each school year.
Click here to complete a web based Scholarship & Assistance Application Form.
Payments: Payments may be made monthly or weekly. Monthly bills will be sent out at the end of each month in an invoice format. Payments will be expected soon after they are received. The invoices are based on the number of days your child is signed up for. For example: if your child is signed up for Mondays in the first trimester, you will be billed for every Monday that program is open. Therefore, if we are open 15 weeks and your child attends 13 you will be charged for 15. Family payments, made weekly or monthly, are an essential source of income.
Online payments are now available:
To pay a bill, go to If you haven’t already, please set up your account.
Once logged in, select “Conway School District SAU9”. The code is “6034007”
Click on the “Store/Pay Online” link on the left.
Select the Project SUCCEED button.
Use the drop down to select the student. (It has to be by individual student.)
Choose the amount to pay.
Click “Add to Cart”.
Proceed to checkout. Note - a $2.50 convenience fee is added PER TRANSACTION to cover the costs incurred by the district in providing this option.
** Failure to make payments on time may result in loss of program.
Early Drop-off / Late Pick-up Fees: We have instituted early and late fees in order to cover the cost of staff staying late, and unsupervised children in the morning. Morning Program begins no sooner than 7:30 AM and Afterschool Program ends promptly at 5:15 PM.
Early and late fees will be invoiced to you monthly at the following rates: 6 to 10 minutes late $5, every 5 minutes thereafter, or portion of 5 minutes will be an additional $5.
Click HERE to access the 2017-2022 Pine Tree Elementary School 21st CCLC Grant
Click HERE to access the 2022 Pine Tree Elementary School 21st CCLC Grant Application
Click HERE to access the John Fuller School/Conway Elementary School 21st CCLC Grant